Saturday, October 07, 2006

Recent Notes I Have Received

received in the middle of a live fight/debate with former tender heart.

I love your eyes,i
love your smile,i
cherish your ways,i
adore your
style, what can i
say you're one of a
kind and 24/7
you're on my mind!
sender: 8764203592

*who sent that? I didn't realize the hidden rhyme until later when I read it out loud to myself. It was pretty awesome to get, I imagined calling the number and saying "uh HI, I just got a 'funny' txt from this number?" After internet research it looked like the area code was from Tennessee?

turns out it was a boy I've known since I was seven. He is mildly retarded, but obviously very sweet. He drives a truck and taxi over mountains and is very good at climbing coconut trees.

Here is another of my Chicago contacts. This guy may suit you; he is interesting. I use his pad like a CIA safehouse. Tell him you know me and then offer to have him buy you a drink.


*another note


Blogger Julia Miller said...


1:33 PM  

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